My knitted garment is progressing but not without flaws. I value the measure the growth of the garment makes when my time is occupied in knitting. The connection of mind and body seem to take control of the knitting needles and move the wool in a will of their own “the shift from being fully engaged in a creative activity to being passively engaged, or the shift to being disengaged altogether (Belsky, 2010). While relaxing in my space the communication and control of the activity and body is not without humility. Once we start to view design as a form of communication between designer and the user, we see that perceived affordances become an important medium for that communication. "The extent to which individuals believe themselves to be capable in specific environmental situations influences occupational choice"(Stone, 2005, p.95).
A common mistake in this is the inattention and lack of connection in the task. Lo and behold I have a look at my accomplishment and have noted that I have created two right fronts
Unwillingly I have to unravel the past knitted rows which is done under a little duress. This does give cause of a little sadness of the effort and time just spent in not being attentive to the task on hand. Having to repeat the task, places my attention of being in control, and having connection with the design of my garment and this time to create one left front.
I am aware that I have only one skein of this wool in which to complete the jacket. This has unconsciously created a burden, as I was given the wool and would have to source it through various places if I need more. The affect of this is to ensure that I knit to the pattern and correct any errors. In being given the wool, I have been spared the financial burden (as wool is outlandishly expensive) the cost of transport to the wool shop and the decision of colour, type of wool and the decision of purchasing the added skein advised by the shop keeper.
"It is critical for craft to be attentive, to learn through humility and to not be limited by past successes (unknown author)."

Can you spot the mistake in this project.Hint: the pattern changes.)
Sarah White
Reference:Belsky, S. (2010). Making ideas happen.London: Penguin Group.Knitting (n.d.) Errors in knitting. Retrieved from, G. V. M. (2005). Personal and environmental influences on occupations. In C.H. Christiansen, C. M. Baum, and J. Bass-Haugen (eds.), Occupational therapy: Performance, participation, and wellbeing (3rd ed.). Thorofare, NJ: SLACK Incorporated
HI Lyn, what a deep explanation of how you connect your activity to affordances - communication. I agree when you said that you tend to commit mistake if you the lack of inattention and connection to the task. I can imagine the frustration it may bring. To improve your blog, you could probably separate ideas in paragraph and give space each paragraph to promote a lighter flow of the story ;)