Thursday, 7 April 2011

Tutorial Six

Tutorial Six is to introduce three online communities.

The first thankyou to my class team some of whom are listed on the rightside of my blogpage. They have added their comments and additions to my site. A bonus is being able to see some of the amazing web communities that they have investigated in occupational therapy technologies.

Awesome Lyn, I used to train a lady with Dystonia, amazing what she has been able to do.

Other community accesses are facebook. For the first year of occupational therapy 2010  a team member set up our own site on facebook under wot2010. This is helpful for keeping in touch with each other during holidays, aids study times and gives others helpful hints for assignments.

The third online entry is individuals affected with a disorder of dystonia. Amazing blogsight and with updated entries from indivduals. My view is that the more we can create public awareness of disorders that some individuals face then people are more accepting of othersThese blog site are used daily in most circumstances, some are seeking advice, others are making the public aware of their disorder.

The ethical issue could pose a problem as it is a youtube site and this is open to all public worldwide.
Some of the individuals in this instance may be open to harrassment or abuse from the public. Overall I think it could be a positive addition to many individuals with the disorder.

I have found this disease/disorder that is one of many that I have never heard of. It is quite debilitating in many ways and affects from an early age.

 Dystonias are movement disorders in which sustained muscle contractions cause twisting and repetitive movements or abnormal postures. The movements, which are involuntary and sometimes painful, may affect a single muscle; a group of muscles such as those in the arms, legs, or neck; or the entire body. Those with dystonia usually have normal intelligence and no associated psychiatric disorders. top

What are the symptoms?Dystonia can affect many different parts of the body. Early symptoms may include a deterioration in handwriting after writing several lines, foot cramps, and/or a tendency of one foot to pull up or drag; this may occur "out of the blue" or may occur after running or walking some distance. The neck may turn or pull involuntarily, especially when the patient is tired or stressed. Sometimes both eyes will blink rapidly and uncontrollably, rendering a person functionally blind. Other possible symptoms are tremor and voice or speech difficulties. The initial symptoms can be very mild and may be noticeable only after prolonged exertion, stress, or fatigue. Over a period of time, the symptoms may become more noticeable and widespread and be unrelenting; sometimes, however, there is little or no progression.

Maggie has Dystonia....

Wait this is a bad thing....Now my face sometimes feels odd from it and my jaw seems to feel like it's going for a tongue that part is kinda cool



This pianist was told by several health professionals that she would never play the piano again, that her dystonia was uncurable. She explains and ...
by TaubmanGolandsky 1 year ago 4,834 views

Movement disorder? dystonia
Uploaded by on Aug 9, 2009
I look like Mr. Ed...on the serious side I am desperate to find a diagnoses! I'm in PA..4 any Dr. suggestions


Facebook Online Communities: 

Facebook is a social networking website intended to connect friends, family, and business associates. It is the largest of the networking sites, with the runner up being MySpace. It began as a college networking website and has expanded to include anyone and everyone.
Facebook was founded by 2004 by Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg and originally called thefacebook. It was quickly successful on campus and expanded beyond Harvard into other
Ivy League schools. With the phenomenon growing in popularity, Zuckerberg enlisted two other students, Duston Moskovitz and Chris Hughes, to assist. Within months, the facebook became a nationwide college networking website.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Lyn, I used to train a lady with Dystonia, amazing what she has been able to do.
